Li Xiaobing, a deputy to the provincial people's congress, suggested to continuously optimize the property market policy and promote the healthy development of the industry | Financial Interviews at the NPC and CPPCC of He’nan


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Time flows like a long river, and the speed of struggle never slows. The first meeting of the 14th Henan Provincial People's Congress and the first meeting of the 13th Henan Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference both took place in Zhengzhou on January 14 and January 13 respectively.

Henan has been working to advance while retaining stability and success despite challenges over the course of the past year of 2022. It has promoted economic development with a good momentum of stability and improving quality while maintaining stability. It has made contributions to stabilizing the overall economic situation in the country.

Overlooking the full-blown 2023, to showcase the style of the delegates and members, Dahe Finance Cube has launched a series of "Financial Interviews with NPC and CPPCC". Focus on behalf of the members suggested, around all walks of life how to strive for the development and the future, continue to tell Henan financial story, play the strongest sound of Henan development.

Reporter Wu Chunbo from Dahe Finance Cube

The annual report of Henan provincial government in 2023 mentioned that it is necessary to activate the real estate market, implement the loan support policy for the first house, optimize the criteria for determining the second house, and meet the demand for needed house purchase.

During the two sessions in Henan province in 2023, as a representative of the new provincial people's congress, Li Xiaobing, chairman of Xuchang Hengda Group, said that relevant functional departments of Henan province should take effective measures together with financial institutions as soon as possible to strengthen the implementation of the relevant policies of the state and Henan province on activating real estate, so that the favorable policies related to real estate can quickly benefit high-quality real estate enterprises in all parts of our province and promote the healthy development of the industry.

Li Xiaobing said frankly that in the past few years, Hengda Group has followed the government's footsteps and the pace of enterprise development has become firm and steady facing the rapid changes in the industry.


Continuously optimize the property market policy to promote the healthy development of the property industry.

At present, the state and our province have already issued a number of policies to support the housing consumers, and the support for the accomplishment of real estates and the stability of the property market is also increasing. The confidence in the real estate market continues to be boosted.

Previously, The People's Bank of China, jointly with the CBRC, issued a Notice on the Current Financial Support for the Stable and Healthy Development of the Real Estate Market to fully implement the long-term real estate mechanism, support needed and improved housing demand with city-specific measures, maintain a reasonable and moderate level of real estate financing, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of housing consumers, and promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market.

This policy contains a total of sixteen articles, which is why it is also known in the industry as the "sixteen articles" on financial support for real estate.

After the New Year's Day, the Henan provincial government issued the "Notice on Distributing Good Policies and Measures to Vigorously Boost Market Confidence and Promote Economic Stability," which requires all localities to be guided to steadily implement a long-term mechanism for the steady and healthy development of real estate, to fully implement a series of policies including 16 financial supports, and to encourage all localities to support the purchase of houses by talented people and the reasonable housing consumption of urban and rural residents through the issuance of purchase vouchers, purchase subsidies, deed tax subsidies, etc.

Li Xiaobing said that it is suggested that relevant departments should take effective measures together with financial institutions as soon as possible to encourage the implementation of relevant policies in the real estate industry so as to benefit high-quality housing enterprises in Henan Province.

Li Xiaobing further recommended that the relevant departments of Henan Province take the initiative to compile the issues and recommendations of the real estate enterprises in all regions of the province, report them to the higher authorities, and continue to optimize the pertinent policies of the current real estate market in accordance with the pertinent issues, in order to support the healthy development of the real estate market in our province.

Private enterprises are frequently mentioned that Henan private housing enterprises are facing significant development opportunities

The government annual report mentions that it is necessary to strengthen policy support, cultivate a group of outstanding private entrepreneurs with entrepreneurial spirit, form a large number of outstanding private enterprises with extremely competitive power, and promote the great development and prosperity of the private economy.

To honor excellent (outstanding) private businesses and outstanding (outstanding) private entrepreneurs in Henan Province, a provincial conference on high-quality development of the private sector was conducted not long before this year's two provincial conferences.

Li Xiaobing said that as a private enterprise that has been working hard in the Xuchang market in Henan for 30 years, Hengda Group is very excited and will do its best to stabilize the real estate market in Xuchang and promote its healthy development.

The reporter noted that the government annual report also proposed to "comprehensively promote consumption growth", "make solid progress in the construction of beautiful villages", "accelerate the new urbanization", "organize and implement the rural construction activities", "promote the urbanization construction with the county seat as the main carrier", "build livable cities, renovate 380,000 old urbanized residential areas and 270,000 new housing units which were built for shantytown residents".

Li Xiaobing said that as a representative from the private real estate industry, the relevant policies and arrangements have provided significant development opportunities for private real estate enterprises in our province. Hengda Group should make great achievements in the process of urban and rural development in our province, actively participate in the construction and development of urban and rural areas in Henan, and cooperate to promote the implementation of relevant policies.

The reporter noted that since 2018, the state has issued relevant policies to encourage real estate enterprises to reduce their leverage and debt in order to promote the healthy development of the entire industry.

"The Company carefully considered the regulations and actively followed the government's pace in order to lower company leverage and debt while focusing more on the accomplishment of houses. Finally, the Company established a solid foundation in the face of industry changes and produced reasonably positive outcomes, creating the groundwork for effectively collaborating with government programs in the upcoming year." said Li Xiaobing.

"The goal of the government's economic policy is to accomplish the healthy development of the social economy and ensure the stable functioning of the economy." Li Xiaobing asserts that private housing businesses should support the implementation of governmental policies, actively modify their own development plans, and welcome new prospects for policy development.

In the future, more attention will be paid to policies as an initiative to boost confidence in the real estate market.

Founded in 1992, Hengda Group has now developed into a comprehensive enterprise group focusing on real estate development, integrating business operations, property services, fabricated residential buildings, construction and other businesses, with national first-class real estate development qualification. Hengda Group (Holdings) Co., Ltd., formed by the Group's real estate business integration, was listed on the Main Board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in November 2018.

The Xuchang urban area, Yuzhou, Changge, Yanling, Xiangcheng, as well as the provincial capitals of Zhengzhou, Xinyang, Luohe, and other places, are currently included in the real estate development region. As of November 2022, 73 projects had been completed, and more than 11 million square meters of land were still undeveloped, being developed, or in the process of being developed.

Hengda Group is a "veteran" of the real estate industry and the largest real estate enterprise in Xuchang. As the leader of Hengda Group, Li Xiaobing has a profound understanding of the marketization and healthy development of the real estate industry.

"The high land price is not a feature of a healthy property market, and they occasionally impede the market's regular growth." According to Li Xiaobing, the stability and health of the real estate industry's development are not only tied to the preservation of the people's housing rights, but also to the release of more jobs and the promotion of the accomplishment of the objective of stable employment and growth.

Li Xiaobing appeals that high-quality private housing enterprises should take the initiative to play their leading role and keep up with the pace of government policies so as to effectively achieve multiple social and economic development goals in the region.

Li Xiaobing stated that in light of this, Hengda Group will continue to focus more on policy, assist with the implementation of the policy of stabilizing the real estate market, and on this basis, intensify the relevant publicity efforts, actively work to increase market confidence, and support the steady and healthy development of the sector.


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